Thursday, September 30, 2010

Manhattan- Woody Allen's movie opening

점점 차가워지는 날씨...

Inspiration of my winter closet this year...
From Design Sponge "Living in: Love Story"

Elena Herzog's amazing beautiful artworks...

Untitled 1, 2002
Chenille bedspread, metal staples, drywall, plywood, paint
96 x 104 x 2 inches

Untitled #9 1999
Cotton chenille bedspread, metal staples, drywall, paint, plywood
86 x 84 x 3 inches

Untitled 2006 (the Peacock)
Cotton chenille bedspread, metal staples, drywall, paint
106 x 86 x 4 inches 

Untitled #9 1999
Cotton chenille bedspread, metal staples, drywall, paint, plywood
86 x 84 x 3 inches

W(e)ave, 2007, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Collaboration with sound artist Michael Schumacher. Heirloom cotton Chenille bedspreads, staples in drywall constructions, 12 speakers, programmed sound. Gallery dimensions 12 x 31 x 31 feet
We(a)ve is a collaboration with sound artist Michael Schumacher. It incorporates three chenille bedspreads which have been fragmented and then “woven”, using metal staples, into walls that were designed for the installation. Stapled to the walls and then partially torn away, the patterned fabric evokes the eroded remnants of architectural motifs. Michael Schumacher distributes twelve speakers around the perimeter of the gallery, and programs both recorded and electronically generated sound so that it moves throughout the room, combining and recombining elements at continually shifting intervals. We(a)ve makes use of found sound and imagery, fragmenting and reorganizing them in within the architectural space of the installation.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

From my mother's old cook book...

Lovely old ads and interesting salt and pepper containers..hmm..I like...
1974년 주간 여성사 발행

My recent scraps...

1. White ceramic pannel from 황학동 flea market, Seoul
2. Two little pine cones picked up from woods

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Julia Heuse's Berlin Apartment

from -->

Blueware by Studio Glithero

Studio Glithero-->
Amazing ceramics made by cyanotype method with botanical finds...beautiful indeed....